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Auctions ASAP will handle all the paperwork, targeted marketing, and promotional campaigns, reducing your cost and effort while at the same time creating higher visibility among pre-qualified buyers who are ready to pay big! We attract the people who have the money and can close quickly!

Sell your Residential Real Estate with Us!
We know selling your home is a big deal, and deciding on the right list price can be challenging. Many real estate agents might not always be on the same page as you and encourage you to list with lower prices or make “price reductions” too quickly, which can end up getting you less money. With the auction method, it doesn’t matter where the price starts because competitive bidding through the auction process is where it ends up that makes the difference. Also, remember many agents will act as dual agents, which is representing both the buyer and the seller at the same time, and you’re paying for it. When we do an auction for you, you’re the only person we are working for, and you’re the one that matters most to us. We’ll work to get you the best result and not trade or negotiate deals not in your best interest. At Auctions ASAP, we are fully committed to the seller through the entire auction process. Our comprehensive marketing strategy attracts motivated buyers, fosters competition, and drives up the sale price. With auctions, there’s no cap on how high the price can go. We focus on securing the highest possible sale price we can every time!
Sell Your Commercial Real Estate with Us!
We know you may need to wrap up business at your location and can’t afford long-term carrying costs or just need to move quickly to off-load idle property or vacant land you are no longer planning to use or develop. As you know, Larger Commercial Structures can just bleed your financials dry with insurance, taxes, maintenance, security, and utilities, especially MSD here locally; meanwhile, acreage and vacant lots without buildings or tenants isn’t making you any money. Auctions ASAP can move as quickly as you need us to. We can even sell any equipment, machinery, and inventory first to empty buildings so we can get it sold fast. By eliminating traditional long-term listings and fruitless showings, requiring NDA’s where necessary, we will help protect your company’s security. We get you back to business as usual!
Sell Your Farm with Us!
Here is my opinion as a licensed Real Estate Broker and Principal Auctioneer: Large tracts of agricultural land are best sold through our auction process if your goal is to maximize the sold price for your farm. When a traditional Realtor/sales agent tries to pull comps for large farms, it’s extremely difficult, if not impossible. Sometimes, the few comps they find will also include auction results from outside the area or from results that aren’t recent or valid. Well, they might as well be guessing on a listing price, and many do just that. One example that we can demonstrate is an estate we handled in Indiana a few years ago. The estate representative invited a local real estate agent to help determine a list price for a large farm that needed to be sold. The agent recommended a list price of $7000 per acre on a 194-acre farm, which sounded almost reasonable to the executor. Doing their due diligence, the executor brought us in, and to make a long story short, with our marketing and the use of the multi-par auction method, we sold the farm for over $10,200 an acre, every acre. For anyone doing the math, the difference to the estate was over $620,000. Here is what you might not realize about the buyer: if he had seen it listed at $7000 an acre, he would have given the local agent a full cash offer within minutes of it being listed. Maybe he might have even offered or negotiated a lower price, which is an additional loss to the seller. Of course, the agent would have said how great that was and would have strongly recommended the executor accept the offer in large part due to the rather large commission check he was going to receive for little effort. With the auction method and process we use, the seller will be able to better discover its true market value, including any hidden value the seller or real estate agent didn’t realize it had at the time we sold it. Call us if you want to sell your farm for its market value and not a discounted listing price your agent guessed at.
Sell Your Real Estate Portfolio with Us!
We know owning multiple properties can be rewarding but also very time-consuming, and you can’t be everywhere at once. Maybe you’re planning on retiring and don’t want the stress that comes with managing numerous properties. Many owners know the aggravation of being called by tenants at 2:30 in the morning for that clogged toilet, it gets old quick. It may be time to reduce the number of real estate holdings you have. in your life when you want to reduce your number of holdings. Traditional Real Estate sales can require inspections and appraisals or get bogged down with contingencies that require extra work or cost on a seller’s part. Auctions ASAP eliminates the need for juggling any of that. An auction property is sold fast because the sell date is pre-set and will always be in cash. This prevents financing delays and gives you the freedom to use the money to put back into a remaining portfolio or start a new chapter in life. We won’t pull you away from the important things in life!

Sell Your Challenging/Troublesome Properties with Us!
We know that sometimes there are situations beyond your control, and you feel like there’s no solution. What’s worse is those home buyers/flippers that will take advantage of you. offering 50% of the actual value, hoping you don’t know better. These are the same ones that have the signs, will buy homes for cash you see everywhere, or the spam calls or texts you get. Homeowners will sometimes deal with squatters or have a huge mess to clean up from previous tenants. Maybe a family member or former friend refuses to move out, almost bringing your efforts to sell to a standstill. Sometimes, if left vacant too long, scrap thieves can destroy your property, pulling out electrical wiring, copper pipe, and aluminum from your HVAC system and more, leaving you with a nightmare. Maybe you’re upside down, owing too much, and getting further behind every month. We can help here, too, with a short sale. Don’t sell your property to a flipper giving you only pennies on the dollar, because you don’t know what to do. Auctions ASAP has proven methods to rid your property of unwanted company and can assure you that you won’t have to fork over extra money to do unnecessary updates or renovations when selling with us. Your property can be sold “as is”, keeping you free from any unnecessary stress and anxiety.
With the success rate of achieving sales at auction being very high and the fact that a sale is legally binding, you can rest assured that any obstacle can be overcome, and you will get back your peace of mind. We accepted the challenge and won!
No matter the type of property you have to sell, Auctions ASAP provides a fast, efficient, and secure way to achieve a great selling price. We simplify the entire experience of selling property. We strive to create confidence for all parties involved by being transparent, ensuring fair outcomes, and taking away the uncertainty of when. You’ll know when your house sells, and you’ll be happy with the results!