Selling Firearms With Us

Advantages of Selling Firearms With Us

Licensed Firearms Dealer & Licensed Auctioneer

Selling Guns The Right Way

Why should we use you to sell off our families gun collection?

There are several things to consider when selecting a professional auction company to sell firearms. This can be better illustrated by the questions below which will help identify why and what some of the differences are.

First, are you licensed to sell firearms, do you have a Federal Firearms License that requires your staff to ensure that buyers are legally entitled to own or possess them?

  • Yes, we have been Federally licensed for many years.  We are also knowledgeable in the use and safety of firearms including handling and proper storage.  This also includes the safe management of firearms during an auction and any previews prior to their sale. 

  • The last thing a family wants to see is an incident where their dad’s or granddad’s guns get used in a crime because it was sold to some criminal, especially one where a preventable tragedy occurs.  In most instances, it could very easily make the papers draw unwanted attention to the family.  Licensed dealers like us will help ensure that all local, state, and federal laws are followed for the transfer of firearms.  We provide the necessary record keeping documenting the transfer from you and your family to the new buyer should you ever need it. 

  • Our license can be verified online, FFLeZCheck using 4-61-03230, or through any local ATF office.  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives located at 600 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Pl #322, Louisville, KY 40202. Phone: (502)753-3400

How do you help ensure that a criminal doesn’t get one of our guns?

Before we give any buyer a gun, the gun must first be transferred to a buyer, a NICS check or (FBI) background check will have to be done helping ensure that the buyer is not a felon or other person not eligible to own a gun. Some auctioneers have not made any effort to become licensed and will merely pass out guns to the highest bidder regardless of the person’s criminal history (whether known or unknown to the auctioneer). The site is what some consider a loophole arguing they don’t need a license. We find this highly unprofessional and unacceptable.

As dealers, we also know not to sell firearms to buyers who act suspicious or act in such a way that causes us to believe they might intentionally harm themselves or others. This doesn’t happen if you’re just passing them out to the highest bidder.

Some auctioneers have avoided being licensed by working with a licensed dealer when it suits them. The main issue impacting the seller with this is that the dealer their working with charges a fairly substantial fee to transfer each firearm. The fee usually is in the $35 to $45 range and even higher in some cases. This has to be disclosed to the buyer and once the buyer finds this out, he or she will bid far lower as a result. Let’s say you have a lower value gun that would normally sell for $150 at auction but ends up bringing $110 because of this transfer fee imposed. This is a $40 loss to the seller and that’s only one gun, imagine this for every gun you have to sell. The company doing the transfers is making a killing off this not to mention any kickback paid back to the referring auctioneer/company. We here at Auctions ASAP don’t charge any additional transfer fees for local buyers thus helping the seller maximize their return.

Auctioning Off Guns

We need to get the most we can out of them and just give them away.  Can you help?

  • Having the knowledge of what you’re selling is half the battle.  We have a passion for selling firearms and it shows, it’s not just another asset like others might see it as.

  • We have conducted numerous highly successful firearms auctions.  To have a successful firearm auction we always recommend at least an online auction to start.  Contact us for a better explanation of this process.

  • Rest assured, we have never sold anything to the low bidder.  The more money we make for you the more money we make for ourselves while doing it in a responsible way…..

What to Sell With Us!


Sell Your Rifles with Us! 

Whether it’s an antique rifle or shotgun held in the family for generations or current hunting rifles or home defense shotguns we can help you.  There is always a strong market for high quality collectible firearms at auction.  So much so that you might be pleasantly surprised at the value of that rifle or shotgun you have stuffed in the back of the closet brings when the bidding ends. For those of you that have larger collections we can arrange transportation of those guns to our place of business.  We realize shipping large quantities of long guns to us can be a pain and that’s why we make every effort to make it easy on you.  Moving complete gun store inventories isn’t a problem either, we’ve done it before. 


Sell Your Revolvers with Us!

You’ve got a revolver or two you longer need in your collection, it’s a great time to sell your guns.  If it’s a desirable antique or a common everyday gun call us and let us make your day.  Did Dad or Grandpa leave more revolvers to you than you will ever need, that’s a good problem to have.  Revolvers, like most firearms, tend to retain their value or increase in value over time.  Some unique revolvers will shock you with what prices they bring at auction.  You need to keep in mind that collectors are always looking to add to their collections. 


Sell Your Pistols with Us!

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by not selling your pistols with us through auction.  Some pistols that are unique and have significant provenance, the sky is the limit when selling through competitive bidding. The firearm auctions/sales we conduct reach every corner of the United States and beyond however we limit sales to eligible buyers in the US.  You might be wondering what kind of pistols we will take, basically pistols and rifles of all types: semiautomatic, break-action, bolt-action, lever-action and braced, compact, sub-compact, full-size, non-concealed carry, concealed carry and competition pistols, War Trophies/Bring Backs among others.  Selling pistols to the highest bidder is what we consistently do.

Gun Ammo

Sell Your Ammo and Firearm Accessories with Us!

Have you heard that there is an impending ammo shortage due to the conflicts around the globe?  Our current manufacturing capacity is at its limit with shortages of powder to last potentially years to come.  It’s been reported that it will take several years just to replenish our military’s declining stockpile thus impacting the commercial market.  Yes, selling with us will help you realize true market value for your ammunition without having to worry about current market conditions while trying to sell it yourself.  Competitive bidding by numerous buyers eager to purchase ammo will set the price higher and higher. 

Can’t decide what to do with all those firearm accessories we can also help you sell them.  Scopes, holsters, slings, gun parts, lasers, range finders, stocks, barrels, dealer displays, gunsmithing equipment, reloaders, reloading supplies, powder, primers, lead shot, bullets, targets, military gear & uniforms and whatever you happen to have can be sold with our help.  Some items will have more value than you realize.   Also, war trophies/bring backs can be hot items to sell with us. 

If your Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Father or perhaps you brought back pieces that have significant historical value, hold on to your seat and watch them sell.  If you have something interesting reach out to us for a free consultation.

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